Friday, February 16, 2007


Laundry Explosion

My laundry room has exploded and there are clothes everywhere. Some are clean and folded, some sit in the dryer anxious for care, and then there's that load, nice and dank, in the washer. Oh, and the piles on the floor—those I wade through to get to the top pile, the one closest to the washer screaming "It's my turn! Please wash me!" I could cry or throw a tantrum about how I hate doing laundry, but since it's Friday, I'm taking the easy way out. Just shutting the door. Out of sight...

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Party Time!

Five parties in one week! First, it's the Brownie Valentine Dad/Daughter party and since I'm a co-leader, that means getting paper goods, ordering pizza, bringing candy...and much more. Then followed by dear son's birthday party, a Nacho Libre celebration featuring nachos and basketball. What could be better for 4th grade boys? I better make sure there's air in the balls and clear the snow from under the hoop. Next, two Valentine parties at school. Yep, two. I must have been on something when signed up back in September. Finally, a school pizza party before winter break. Juice boxes, cookies (sans nuts), and more paper goods. At least I can order the pizza.

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